The Maroon Clownfish ( Premnas biaculeatus ) is a common clownfish in Indonesia and the Philippines, typically found in bubble-tip anemones ( Entacmaea quadricolor ). In every reef in the coral triangle I have explored, I have always found Premnas biaculeatus hosted in Entacmaea quadricolor . In November 2019, I visited Chindonan Island (Northern Palawan, Philippines) for the second time to video and photograph life on the shallow part of the reefs. Chindonan Dive Resort house reef is a Mecca for observing clownfish in nature. During this visit, I found several Premnas biaculeatus hosting in sebae anemone ( Heteractis crispa ). This is the only reef I have explored where this association occurred. In some cases, Premnas biaculeatus were observed going between Heteractis crispa and nearby Entacmaea quadricolor. This is the same pair from the previous photo of Premnas biaculeatus vis...